Thursday, December 16, 2010

Busy times ahead!!!

SOOOOOO....I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I can't seem to keep still. In an effort to keep cost down I've been working on making my own things, right? Upcycling and all that jazz. I recently put all the clothes that are too small for my kids in a massive bags in an effort to "reconstruct" them into something they will wear. So far I've scaled down my oldest son's size 16 pants down to a size 6 for his little brother. I also read Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-Shirt got some ideas for my daughter on some things to do. However, some of these wear more skin bearing than I would like my 8yr old punk to have. I found the
undated version Generation T: Beyond Fashion: 120 New Ways to Transform a T-shirt was much less skin revealing and would work for my little punk at heart. I've also decided to take a Basic Sewing class at the local community college to help with my so-so sewing skills. I have basic skills now, but I think I want to improve upon them. I saw the school also has clothing construction courses as well. Although I'm not looking to go into fashion design. I figured it wouldn't hurt.

The other think I'm tackling right now is in addition to my classes I need to finish my degree this semester, I've decided to take the gardening class at my school. It's REALLY great because it works with the Arizona's own, Phoenix based, David Owens's books Extreme Gardening: How to Grow Organic in the Hostile Deserts and The Garden Guy: Seasonal Guide to Organic Gardening in the Desert Southwest (Outdoor and Nature). I REALLY recommend his books. STUFF REALLY GROWS!! and I have a brown thumb. I'm looking forward to the class. I'm hoping it will help demystify the whole compost thing and all. Plus, it should help me get my butt back in the backyard.

All this crafty stuff is making me sound like a bored housewife, but there is a method to my madness. I want to eventually get my home to self sufficiency. Growing are own food, making and designing are own clothes from old clothes (you can't beat $1 days at Goodwill plus it shows more our own personality), and lower our overall cost. Once I've mastered the art of needle craft with embroidery, knitting, and crocheting; I plan to move on to growing our own cotton! Arizona is one of the few states in American were we can do this and all in my front yard! I takes a lot of cotton to make a fabric so I figured it would be good for small projects. I'm still trying to work the bugs in my head on that one. I've thought about just getting bunnies for not only their meaty properties but for their fur. I have this book that I'm starting to consider the Bible of Self-sufficiency The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! as it has TONS of ideas. I've added a link on the side if you want to check it out. Although some things are not conducive to my area and my lot size, however, there are SO many things AND info that I keep this thing by my bedside when an idea pops up in my head.

I know this blog has a lot of links and post. I apologize. I didn't get a chance to take any photos of my recent projects. Right now I'm working on the first crochet project of the year from my Crochet: 2011 Day-to-Day Calendar. I know its a little early, but some project in there are for baby dolls and we don't own one nor does anyone I know keep baby dolls. Plus, I plan to busy this next year with the garden and the sewing of clothes. It looks like 2011 will be a busy year for me. Maybe its the little bit of old Mayan in me that is subconsciously preparing for 12/20/12 and if we turn into some post-apatoplypic world I'll at least have our home prepared. LOL.....I'll still need to get a gun then and I HATE guns, so the worl will just not have to end. lol.

When I get the pictures, will post soon. Problem is right now I have been just completing the projects and forgetting to take the before, during, and after photos. I only have the after! ARG!! I will get organized!
Until then!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who is next??

Ok. So I gave the kids all their presents and they seemed ok with the lower budget gifts. It sucks that we can't do much for Hannukah. I'm hoping that in the future it will get better. Now, for presents for all my friends and family who still celebrate good old X-mas. There is my Mom, my sister, my boyfriend, my best-friend (and her family), my Dad, My stepmom and dad, my boyfriends parents, and the g*d knows who else!

For my mom though, I found this cute Stationary Box video to make my own cute box. In the effort to keep Upcycling I used the same pattern but with old cereal boxes and recycled paper. Then decorated with some scrap paper. I really like how the finished product came out in the end. Although I like the way the cereal box one came out, I think I will send her one that I made using card stock, like in the video. I'll see. I did find though becuase of the size of the boxes. I needed to use at least two cereal boxes to make the product. One for the base and the other for the top and the little compartments. SO if you want to make your own, I would recommend that. Even when I used a giant Cereal box I found I still needed the second box for the top. This wasn't a big issue for my family as we typically go through a box of cereal in one sitting.
I have a few ideas out there. When I get them done (and the respective parties have received them) I will post what I ended up with. Until then, I better get crackelacking (sp?)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Fingerless Gloves

My son is all into the "emo" look right now (Teenagers?) so I'm making him these fingerless gloves for Holiday. He's a guitar player so he can even still play his guitar while wearing them. I used the ProvoCraft Knifty Knitter pattern that they have on their website to make these. Feel free to click and try it your self. I used only one yarn as the second yarn might make it look a bit girly. The left one came out a big snuggier then the right one so I think I might do another one since I have extra yarn. He already had a hat to go with it so I won't be making any hats or scarves with it anyways.
I have a few more days to finish everyone's presents for Holiday. So far I've only got three people done! I really need to get on the ball. I'm hoping they will like what I did for them. Oh well.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Yummy Spinach DIP!!!!

My step-mom made this dip not too long ago. Which is a feat in itself since she doesn't cook. I'm not into Spinach dip but this was too good to resist. Its the classic Knorr recepie except it uses the Leek Soup in lue of the Vegetable soup. I've omitted the chestnuts and onions since i just don't like them in my dips.

1 Package of Frozen Spinach (thawed and COMPLETLY drained of water)

16oz of Sour Cream

1 cup of Mayo

1 package of Knorr Leek Soup

Before adding the Spinach, you need to make sure its thawed (not cooked and patted it till try). Mix well and then leave in fridge for at least an hour or two. It taste better chilled.
YUMMY AND ENJOY with your favorite potato chips